Friday, June 26, 2015

"Every Little Thing is Gonna be Alright"

We all go through different challenges in our life whether it is a disease, taking a test, learning how to ride a bike, or dealing with family issues. This week has really been a challenge for me. This past week so many things are going on that I thought that I was about to go crazy. About 2 months ago someone drove into my parked car. Yes, you read that right. My PARKED car. So that has been a long going battle. After driving around with my damaged car, going through 2 flat tires, I finally got an answer about my car. The insurance company is giving me money for a new car. Which is all exciting but being a college student and having to make car payments isn’t that easy. I am also dealing with insurance issues about my diabetes supplies. Since I turned 21, I am not under BCMH so not all of my diabetes supplies are covered. Also while dealing with those things I also work 2 jobs, which by the way are amazing! I am so blessed to be working at La-z-boy with great people and also so blessed that I get to nanny my 2 favorite kids! Oh and since I have been stressing my blood sugars haven’t been the best. (YAY to crappy blood sugars!) This week has seriously made me think differently with many things in life. I have been blessed and thankful for my life but while going through these things it has really opened my eyes. Yes while having 2 jobs and dealing with problems is probably one of the most stressful things that I have done BUT I could be homeless, I could have no diabetes supplies at all, I could have no job, or I could have no one that has been there for me. I can not thank you enough for everyone who has texted me, messaged me, called me during this week. It has opened my eyes in seeing that I really do have the most amazing and caring family and friends in my entire life. I couldn’t have gotten though any of these things without you all! Next week I will hopefully get my new car and hoping that things slow down for me!  What a week and I hope that you all had a GREAT week with a great weekend to come!

~Stay Strong
